
About the Comic

Widdershins is a series of Victorian-era adventure stories, set in the fictional town of Widdershins, West Yorkshire- England's magical epicentre, home to bounty hunters, failed wizards, stage magicians, and more, besides. It's all written and drawn by Kate Ashwin.

Each chapter is a complete story, with a main thread running throughout. All of them are lighthearted, fun, and often comical, and I hope you enjoy them! Start reading here!

There's a new page every Tuesday and Friday, generally at 8am to noon London Time. 

Winner of the British Fantasy Award for Best Comic/Graphic Novel, 2019!

Map of Widdershins

With some locations from books 1-8 marked out for you!



The Barber Family Tree

Presented for your clarification and edification.


About the Author


Kate Ashwin is well past thirty, going a little grey, and has been making internet comics since 2002. Those last two may be related. She lives in the North of England with her very tolerant husband and an array of cats, where she draws all day and, on special occasions, leaves the house.

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